Sparkly Shungite Stones


3 in stock



STONES: Polished Stone Pebbles.

What can be a better gift for a shungite lover!

On the energetic level, silver activated shungite is a super boosted balancer and positivity amplifier for other crystals, timeline shifter & powerful manifesting partner to you or the one you love.
Oraphim have sourced you the best grade shungite products available from Zazhoginskoje (Russian/Finland Border)
NEWS FLASH: Researchers at Rice University and Kazan Federal University in Russia have found a way to extract radioactivity from water and said their discovery could help purify the hundreds of millions of gallons of contaminated water stored after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident.
The researchers were surprised to see that plain shungite particles extracted almost as much cesium as its oxidized counterpart. “Interestingly, plain shungite was used by local people for water purification from ancient times,” Dimiev said. “But we have increased its efficiency many times, as well as revealed the factors behind its effectiveness.”

Polished Stone Pebbles:
Average weight of current stones in stock is 30gm each, very nice pocket stone

Additional information

Weight 0.750 kg
Dimensions 35.5 × 25 × 2.5 cm